
604期 曾子哲學專題

Posted by phyTest001 On 九月 - 25 - 2024


1 導言:曾子哲學專題 曾振宇、吳進安
5 以愛釋孝:曾子對孔子孝道的賡續與發明 曾振宇
21 君子精神之內轉與外推:曾子之君子觀及其與孟子、荀子的比較 鄭炳碩
37 慎獨觀念的形成、詮釋與影響——以曾子為主的討論 韓星
57 出土文獻與《曾子》成書研究——兼論對曾子思想的新認識 李銳
73 科技趨勢下孝道實踐的變遷與反思——基於曾子「孝本論」的考察 鄭濟洲、程雪蓮

87 書評:曾振宇、江曦主編,《孝經文獻叢刊(第一輯)》 郭麗

93 論陰陽五行的人性論構造與倫理生成 秦際明
109 用具、作品與面容——海德格爾與列維納斯論藝術作品的本源 文晗
125 《文子》易學思想:基於〈上德〉篇解易文本的探討 鍾福強
141 普羅提諾的宇宙生成理論 夏徽
157 牟宗三與胡適的思想交涉新探——以兩者的戴震哲學詮釋為中心 張程業

173 書評:張自慧,《道德失範與文化救贖》——傳統倫理與現代性危機的交鋒 傅羿超
177 書評:王治軍,《孟子與保羅生死倫理比較研究》——儒耶對話中的生死倫理視野 郭永莉

181 許敬庵與周海門「九諦九解」之辯探微 李東升

197 學界訊息 吳進安

199 編後語 黃信二

4 203 稿約 56 92 172 202 中外文註釋格式 108 124 中外文參考文獻格式 196 下期預告

Table of Contents
Special Issue: Monographs on Zengzu’s Philosophy
1 Introduction: Monographs on Zengzu’s Philosophy Zhenyu ZENG, Chin-An WU
5 Interpreting Filial Piety with Love: Zeng Zi’s Continuation and Invention of Confucian Filial Piety Zhenyu ZENG
21 The Internal Conversion and External Expansion of the Spirit of the Exemplary Person: The Exemplary Person’s View of Zengzi and Its Comparison with Mencius and Xunzi Byung-Seok JUNG
37 The Formation, Interpretation, and Influence of Zeng Zi’s Thought about Watchful Oneself Alone Xing HAN
57 A Study of the Zeng Tzu Becoming a Book by Unearthed Literature: and the New knowledge of the Idea of Zeng Tzu Rui LI
73 The change and reflection of filial piety practice under the trend of science and technology — Zeng Zi’s “Filial piety Theory” is weak Jizhou ZHENG, Xuelian CHENG

Special Topic Book Reviews
87 Zeng Zhenyu & Jiang Xi, eds., Filial Piety Classics and Literature (I) Li GUO

93 On the Construction of Human Nature Theory and Ethical Generation of Yin Yang and Five Elements Jiming QIN
109 Utensil, Work and Face — Heidegger and Levinas on the Origin of the Work of Art Han WEN
125 The Wenzi’s Yi Thought: A Discussion Based on the Chapter Shangde’s Yi Exegesis Text Hock Keong CHOONG
141 The Generation of the Cosmos in Plotinus Sonja XIA
157 A New Inquiry into the Intellectual Correlation between Mou Zongsan and Hu Shi — Based on Their Interpretation of Dai Zhen’s Philosophy Chengye ZHANG

Book Reviews
173 Zhang Zihui, Moral Anomie and Cultural Redemption—The Encounter between Traditional Ethics and Modernity Crisis Yichao FU
177 Wang Zhijun, A Comparative Study on the Ethics of Life and Death between Mencius and Paul—The Perspective of the Ethics of Life and Death in the Dialogue between Confucianism and Confucianism Yongli GUO

Youth Forum
181 Exploration of the Debate Between Xu Jing-an and Zhou Haimen on the “Nine Truth and Nine Answer” Dongsheng LI

197 News Chin-An WU

199 From the Editor Hsin-Er Huang

Messages & Information
4 203 Call for Papers 56 92 172 202 Guidelines for Footnotes 108 124 Guideline for Bibliographies 196 Preview of Next Issue

Categories: 前期目錄, 本期目錄

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