
603期 康德誕辰三百周年紀念——康德的法政哲學專題

Posted by phyTest001 On 八月 - 20 - 2024


1 導言:康德誕辰三百周年紀念——康德的法政哲學專題 周明泉
5 法權普遍原則vs.道德普遍原則——康德法政哲學是否具有第四批判的功能性角色? 周明泉
25 康德論走出自然狀態的義務——一種非意志論的解讀 吳彥
47 康德的人性論與政治 吳豐維
65 康德刑法理論中的應報主義之規範性 彭文本
85 論康德自由主義中的倫理精神 魏楚陽

101 書評:Otfried Höffe,《為了一個公民的歐洲!——更新歐洲論述》 陳欣白

107 清儒惠棟漢學思想的演進理路——以其「三禮」學為考察中心 樊寧
125 天主教學術權威與中國民間文化的對撞——探析明末菲律賓道明會對華傳教政策的失敗 肖音
143 王國維論「性」之變化與其對中西文化的再認識 杜永寬
157 變易與交易:朱熹「心統性情」的易學維度 張維

175 王船山明德觀與《大學》工夫論的建構 陳春芳

191 書評:彭國翔,《中國哲學方法論——如何治「中國哲學」》 申元瑛

195 會議訊息 編輯部

197 編後語 邱建碩

46 201 稿約 142 174 中外文註釋格式 190 200 中外文參考文獻格式 196 下期預告 199 進行中的專題 202 《哲學大辭書》出版訊息 203 徵求專題撰寫計畫啟事

Table of Contents
Special Issue: The Tercentenary of Immanuel Kant’s Birth —Kant’s Philosophy of Law and Politics
1 Introduction: The Tercentenary of Immanuel Kant’s Birth — Kant’s Philosophy of Law and Politics Ming-Chuan CHOU
5 Universal Principles of Law vs. Universal Principles of Morality — Is There a Functional Role for Kant’s Legal and Political Philosophy as the Fourth Critique? Ming-Chuan CHOU
25 Kant on The Duty to Escape from the State of Nature: A Non-Voluntarist Interpretation Yan WU
47 Kant on Human Nature and Politics Feng-Wei WU
65 The Normativity of Retributivism in Kant’s Theory of Punishment Wenberng PONG
85 On Kantian Liberalism and Ethical Life Chu-Yang WEI

Special Topic Book Reviews
101 Otfried Höffe, Für ein Europa der Bürger! Den Europa -Diskurs erneuern Hsin-pai CHEN

107 The Process of Formation of Hui Dong’s Thought of Han Learning — Centered on His Thought of Three Etiquettes Ning FAN
125 The Clash between Catholic Academic Authority and Chinese Folk Culture: An Analysis of the Failure of the Philippine Dominicans’ Missionary Policy towards the Local Chinese in the Late Ming Dynasty Yin XIAO
143 Wang Guowei’s Discussion on the Transformation of “Humanity” and Its Recognition in Chinese and Western Cultures Yong-kuan DU
157 Changes and Transactions: On the Yi Studies Dimension of Zhu Xi’s Theory of “Mind Dominated Character and Sentimental” Wei ZHANG

Youth Forum
175 Wang Chuanshan’s Thoughts of the Enlightened Virtue and the Construction of Gongfu Theory in The Great Learning Chunfang CHEN

Book Reviews
191 GuoXiang Peng, Methodology of Chinese Philosophy — How to Research “Chinese Philosophy” YuanYing SHEN

195 News Editorial Department of UNIVERSITAS

197 From the Editor Chien Shuo CHIU

Messages & Information
46 201 Call for Papers 142 174 Guidelines for Footnotes 190 200 Guideline for Bibliographies 196 Preview of Next Issue 199 Special Issues in Programs 202 The Publish Message of Chinese Encyclopedia of Philosophy 203 Call for Special Topics

Categories: 前期目錄, 本期目錄

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