
602期 比較哲學視域下的儒家倫理學專題

Posted by phyTest001 On 七月 - 31 - 2024


1 導言:比較哲學視域下的儒家倫理學 李明書
3 孔子的成人之教與諾丁斯的道德教育之比較 李明書、朱建民
19 儒家倫理學與人類中心主義 高柏園
35 先秦儒、道心性論中的自由意識與成德之教 朱光磊

53 書評:黃勇,《當代美德倫理:古代儒家的貢獻》——美德倫理學之於儒家適用性的反思 李明書

57 朱子的明明德工夫論及其時間維度的突破 王凱立
73 《老子》之「有」、「無」和「有名」、「無名」:〈第一章〉詮釋問題探究 吳惠齡
89 柏拉圖空間疑難的海德格式出路——空間存有論的可能性探析 趙奇
105 〈禮運〉釋義——孔子三論禮之緣起 鄺其立
121 漢唐間隱逸思想的展開與遯、逃之辨 范雲飛
135 栗谷《擊蒙要訣》的性質及思想史意義 陳媛、劉暢
153 源於道德品格的平靜:康德道德心理學的旨趣 惠永照
169 清華簡《子犯子餘》與戰國時期「中」觀念 鄧國軍

183 多瑪斯.阿奎那基督教信念合理化新探:再思「五路證明」有效性 魏亞飛

199 學界訊息 李明書

201 編後語 黃信二

52 200 稿約 72 120 中外文註釋格式 152 168 中外文參考文獻格式 198 下期預告

Table of Contents
Special Issue: Confucian Ethics from the Perspective of Comparative Philosophy
1 Introduction: Confucian Ethics from the Perspective of Comparative Philosophy Ming Shu LEE
3 Comparative Analysis of Confucius’ Philosophy on Adult Education and Nel Noddings’ Ethics of Care in Education Ming Shu LEE, Jien Ming JUE
19 Confucian Ethics and Anthropocentrism Po Yuan KAO
35 Will of Freedom and Teaching of Morality in Pre-Qin Confucian and Taoist Theory of Consciousness and Essence Guanglei ZHU

Special Topic Book Reviews
53 Yong HUANG, Contemporary Virtue Ethics: Contributions from Ancient Confucianism─Reflections on the Applicability of Virtue Ethics to Confucianism Ming Shu LEE

57 Zhu Xi’s Theory of Enlightening One’s Enlightened Virtue and Its Breakthrough in the Dimension of Time Kaili WANG
73 “Being and Non-being” and “Name and Nameless” in the Laozi: Discussion on the Interpretation Issues of the Chapter One Hui-Ling WU
89 The Heidegger Way Out of the Difficulty of Plato’s Space: Probing into the Possibility of Spatial Ontology Qi ZHAO
105 Interpretation of “Li Yun” — Confucius’s Three Discourses on the Origin of Rites Qili KUANG
121 The Development of Reclusive Thought between Han and Tang Dynasties and the Differentiation between Tun and Tao Yunfei FAN
135 A Study of the Nature of Yulgok’s Gyeokmongyogyeol and its Significance in the History of Thought Yuan CHEN Chang LIU
153 Calmness From Moral Character: The Purport Of Kant’s Moral Psychology Yongzhao HUI
169 Tsinghua Bamboo Slips’ Zi Fan Zi Yu and the Concept of “Zhong” in the Warring States Period Guojun DENG

Youth Forum
183 A New Exploration of Thomas Aquinas’s Rationalization of Christian Beliefs: A Reexamination of the Validity of the “Five Ways” Yafei WEI

199 News Ming Shu LEE

201 From the Editor Hsin-Er Huang

Messages & Information
52 200 Call for Papers 72 120 Guidelines for Footnotes 152 168 Guideline for Bibliographies 198 Preview of Next Issue

Categories: 前期目錄

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