
601期 哲學實踐之方法論與其展望專題

Posted by phyTest001 On 六月 - 18 - 2024


1 導言:哲學實踐之方法論與其展望專題 尹錫珉、潘小慧
5 論哲學實踐及其實踐場:以漢魏易學的「位」概念為中心 尹錫珉、潘小慧
23 培育有德實行者的哲學諮商之路:以寬恕之德為例 李惠美
41 從知識到賞識:高校哲學咖啡館「實踐育人」的成長歷程 王惠靈、薛曉歌
57 哲學實踐菜單 李鎮南
77 非接觸時代的哲學諮商對於人認同性的擴展:通過「思維、情感、感覺的連接」 金善姬
93 一起做有作為的哲學:「以事觀之」的哲學實踐 劉梁劍

105 書評:寺田俊郎(編),《哲學對話與教育》 金汝珍
111 書評:Alfred Pfabigan, Philosophie hilft! — Alltag und Theorie zwischen Sokrates und Freud in der Philosophischen Praxis Märzstraße 金銀何

119 從黑格爾視角論概念轉變 史偉民
135 托古:中國先哲立說的重要傳統 彭傳華
151 論宗教在後世俗社會中的角色與功能:Jürgen Habermas的宗教哲學觀點 周明泉
169 莊子「因是」說辨正 費春浩

185 書評:吳進安,《德言並立.儒義新詮:對先秦儒學之哲學思考》 李明書
189 書評:Christopher Moore, The Virtue of Agency: Sôphrosunê and Self-Constitution in Classical Greece 鄭荃文
193 書評:劉君莉,《儒家倫理的堅守、批判與創造性轉化》——儒家倫理現代轉化進路之反思 高俊傑

197 會議訊息 劉禎恩

202 編後語 邱建碩

40 184 稿約 76 110 中外文註釋格式 134 150 中外文參考文獻格式 201 下期預告

Table of Contents
Special Issue: The Methodology of Philosophical Practice and Its Prospect
1 Introduction: The Methodology of Philosophical Practice and Its Prospect Seokmin YOON, Hsiao Huei PAN
5 On the Philosophical Practice and Its Place: Focusing on the Concept of “Wei (位)” in Zhouyi Theory of Han and Wei Dynasties Seokmin YOON, Hsiao Huei PAN
23 The Way of Philosophical Counseling Fostering Client to be a Virtuous Agent: Take the Virtue of Forgiveness as an Example Hui Mei LEE
41 From Knowledge to Appreciation: The Growing Trend of Practical Education in the Academic Philosophy Café Huiling WANG, Xiaoge XUE
57 A Menu of Philosophical Practice Jin-Nam YI
77 Expanding Human Identity in Philosophical Counseling in an Untact Era: Connecting Thought, Emotions, and Senses Sun-Hye KIM
93 Philosophizing Together with the Power of Transformation: Philosophical Practice from the Perspective of Human Affairs Liangjian LIU

Special Topic Book Reviews
105 Toshiro Terada (Ed.), Philosophical Dialogue and Education Yujin KIM
111 Alfred Pfabigan, Philosophie hilft! — Alltag und Theorie zwischen Sokrates und Freud in der Philosophischen Praxis Märzstraße Eun Ha KIM

119 Conceptual Change from the Hegelian Point of View Weimin SHI
135 Tuogu: An Important Tradition of Ancient Chinese Philosophers’ establishing their Theories Chuanhua PENG
151 On the Role and Function of Religion in Postsecular Society: Habermas’s Perspective on Religious Philosophy Ming-Chuan CHOU
169 The Correction of Zhuangzi’s Theory of “Yin-Shi” Chunhao FEI

Book Reviews
185 Jin An Wu, Deyan Bingli, Ruyi Xinquan: Dui Xianqin Ruxue zhi Zhexue Sikao Ming Shu LEE
189 Christopher Moore, The Virtue of Agency: Sôphrosunê and Self-Constitution in Classical Greece Quanwen ZHENG
193 Junli Liu, The Adherence, Critique, and Creative Transformation of Confucian Ethics — Reflection on the Approach of Modern Transformation of Confucian Ethics Junjie GAO

197 News Jeong Eun YU

202 From the Editor Chien Shuo CHIU

Messages & Information
40 184 Call for Papers 76 110 Guidelines for Footnotes 134 150 Guideline for Bibliographies 201 Preview of Next Issue

Categories: 前期目錄

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