
600期 單國璽樞機主教的人生思維:生命、信仰與對話專題

Posted by phyTest001 On 五月 - 31 - 2024


1 導言:單國璽樞機主教的人生思維:生命、信仰與對話專題 黎建球、陳文祥
5 單樞機的宗教交談與靈性觀點 黎建球
15 論現代信仰的基礎、困境與回應之道:以單樞機所譯郎尼根《今日的信仰》為起點 陳文祥
33 單國璽樞機的生命力領導 林耀堂
51 單國璽樞機與星雲大師樹立的宗教對話典範 許鶴齡
73 生死之際——承認身體脆弱性及獻身為祭、成為禮物 聶雅婷

91 書評:黃乃琦,《傳播使徒:傳教、傳媒、傳訊——耶穌會光啟社與臺灣電視發展史(1958-2008)》 陳曉涵

95 論中國哲學的現代詮釋有以貢獻於元哲學的面向 杜保瑞、王國慶
117 中國近現代「救亡」語境下「優生學」之傳入及其論爭 劉君莉
131 章太炎《齊物論釋》的因明詮釋 甘偉
145 《莊子》禮樂觀的思維特徵 吳明峰
159 朱陸異同之爭:基於《學蔀通辨》歷代論爭的發展脈絡 張文

173 書評:陳來,《朱子哲學研究》(增訂版)——以「心非即氣」為中心 和溪
177 書評:趙運濤,《符號裡的中國》——符號圖像與中國文化哲學的另一種詮釋與書寫 剛祥雲

181 內在感應何以可能?——基於對張載與程頤感應說的考察 石元萍

195 學界訊息 范家榮

197 編後語 陳文祥

4 199 203稿約 32 50 201 202 中外文註釋格式 94 116 中外文參考文獻格式 200 下期預告

Table of Contents
Special Issue: Cardinal Paul Shan Kuo-hsi’s Thoughts about Life: Life, Belief and Dialogue
1 Introduction: Cardinal Paul Shan Kuo-hsi’s Thoughts about Life: Life, Belief and Dialogue Bernard LI Wen-Hsiang CHEN
5 Cardinal Paul Shan Kuo-hsi’s Dialogue of Religion and View of Spirituality Bernard LI
15 On the Foundation of Religion, Its Dilemma and How to Respond to Them in Modern Days: Beginning with Bernard Lonergan’s Belief Today, Translated by Cardinal Paul Kuo-hsi Wen-Hsiang CHEN
33 Awakening-Life Leadership of Cardinal Shan Kuo-Hsi Yao-Tang LIN
51 The Model of Religious Dialogue Established by Cardinal Paul Shan Kuo-hsi and Master Hsing Yun Ho-Ling HSU
73 Between Life and Death-Admitting the Fragility of the Body and Sacrificing Oneself as a Gift Yah-Tin NEI

Special Topic Book Reviews
91 Nai Chi Huang, Media Apostles — Mission, Media and Message — Jesuits’ Kuangch’i Program Service (KPS) and the Development of Taiwan Television Industry (1958-2008) Agatha Hsiao-han CHEN

95 Study on the Aspects of Modern Interpretation of Chinese Philosophy Has Contributed to the Meta-Philosophy Bau-Ruei DUH, Guo-qing WANG
117 The Introduction of Eugenics and Its Debate in the Context of “National Salvation” in Modern China Junli LIU
131 The Characteristics of a Hetuvidyā interpretation of Zhang Taiyan’s Qi Wu Lun Shi Wei GAN
145 The Thinking Characteristics of Etiquette in “Zhuangzi” Ming-Feng WU
159 The Discussion of Differentiating between Zhu and Lu: Based on the Development Context of Historical Debates on XueBuTongBian Wen ZHANG

Book Reviews
173 Lai Chen, Study of Zhu Zi’s Philosophy (Enlarged ed.) — Centering on the Thought of “Mind is not the Same as Qi” Xi HE
177 Yuntao Zhao, “China in Symbols” — Symbolic Images and Another Interpretation and Writing of Chinese Cultural Philosophy Xiangyun GANG

Youth Forum
181 How is Internal Resonance Possible? — An Inquiry into Resonance Theories Advanced by Zhang Zai and Cheng Yi Yuanping SHI

195 News Jia Rung FAN

197 From the Editor Wen-Hsiang CHEN

Messages & Information
4 199 203 Call for Papers 32 50 201 202 Guidelines for Footnotes
94 116 Guideline for Bibliographies 200 Preview of Next Issue

Categories: 前期目錄

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