
436期 休閒的哲學、美學與文化專題

Posted by admin On 十一月 - 21 - 2010
1 導言:休閒的哲學美學與文化 劉千美、幽蘭
9 質樸美學與休閒 薛佛著,劉千美、幽蘭譯
21 田園牧歌的詩風想像:歐洲傳統的休閒理念 梵樂歐著,劉千美、幽蘭譯
41 Phenomenological Constitution of the Meaning of Leisure Culture 汪文聖
61 羅素閒暇論 羅善著,劉千美、幽蘭譯
75 Leisure and Musical Genres: Some Remarks on the Sociology of Cultural Legitimacy Esteban Buch
91 休閒與自由:在科技產品與多元他者網絡中的論述 沈清松
105 中國休閒美學與功夫論 幽蘭
119 日常與閒適:小品散文書寫的美學意涵 劉千美
135 書評:羅格廉、衣昂:《無為的隱密世界》 沈清松
141 平淡的勇氣:嵇康與文人美學的批判性 何乏筆
155 台灣廟會活動的閒暇向度及其宗教意涵——以大甲媽祖進香之行為例 姚文琦
169 書法藝術中的醉狂與放逸書寫的美感經驗──張旭書法美學初探 榮斌
181 幽蘭 編
186 編後語
本刊訊息索引:8稿約 74 90中英文註釋格式 140進行中的專題 187下期預告
Monthly Review of Philosophy and Culture Vol. 37 no.9 2010.09
Table of Contents
Special Issue: Leisure Culture, Philosophy and Aesthetics
1 Introduction: Leisure Culture, Philosophy and Aesthetics Johanna Liu, Yolaine Escande
9 The Rustic Jean-Marie Schaeffer
21 The Pastoral Imagery: The Idealized Vision of Leisure in European Tradition
François Flahault
41 Phenomenological Constitution of the Meaning of Leisure Culture Wang, Wen-Sheng
61 Bertrand Russell on Idleness Philippe Roussin
75 Leisure and Musical Genres: Some Remarks on the Sociology of Cultural Legitimacy Esteban Buch
91 Freedom and Leisure in the Networks of Technological Objects and Many Others Vincent Shen
105 “Free time” (gongfu) in Chinese Leisure Yolaine Escande
119 Allegory of Banality and Leisure: Aesthetics of Literati Prose Writing in Late Ming Johanna Liu
Special Topic Book Reviews
135 Orvar Löfgren, Billy Ehn: The Secret World of Doing Nothing Vincent Shen
141 The Courage of Blandness: Xi Kang and Critique in Chinese Literati Aesthetics Fabian Heubel
155 The Leisure Dimension of Temple Festival Activities in Taiwan and its Religious Meaning —A Case Study of Da-Jia Matsu Jinxiang Procession Vicky Wenqi YAO
Youth Forum
169 The Aesthetic Experience of Drunkenness, Madness, and Spontaneous Realization in the Art of Chinese Calligraphy—A Study of Zhang Xu’s Calligraphic Aesthetics Rong Bin
181 Yolaine Escande
Appendix 186 From the Editor
Messages & Information: 8 Call for Papers 74 90 Guidelines for Footnotes
140 Special Issues in Programs 187 Preview of Next Issue


1 導言:休閒的哲學美學與文化 劉千美、幽蘭

9 質樸美學與休閒 薛佛著,劉千美、幽蘭譯

21 田園牧歌的詩風想像:歐洲傳統的休閒理念 梵樂歐著,劉千美、幽蘭譯

41 Phenomenological Constitution of the Meaning of Leisure Culture 汪文聖

61 羅素閒暇論 羅善著,劉千美、幽蘭譯

75 Leisure and Musical Genres: Some Remarks on the Sociology of Cultural Legitimacy Esteban Buch

91 休閒與自由:在科技產品與多元他者網絡中的論述 沈清松

105 中國休閒美學與功夫論 幽蘭

119 日常與閒適:小品散文書寫的美學意涵 劉千美


135 書評:羅格廉、衣昂:《無為的隱密世界》 沈清松


141 平淡的勇氣:嵇康與文人美學的批判性 何乏筆

155 台灣廟會活動的閒暇向度及其宗教意涵——以大甲媽祖進香之行為例 姚文琦


169 書法藝術中的醉狂與放逸書寫的美感經驗──張旭書法美學初探 榮斌


181 幽蘭 編


186 編後語

本刊訊息索引:8稿約 74 90中英文註釋格式 140進行中的專題 187下期預告

Monthly Review of Philosophy and Culture Vol. 37 no.9 2010.09

Special Issue: Leisure Culture, Philosophy and Aesthetics

1 Introduction: Leisure Culture, Philosophy and Aesthetics Johanna Liu, Yolaine Escande

9 The Rustic Jean-Marie Schaeffer

21 The Pastoral Imagery: The Idealized Vision of Leisure in European Tradition

François Flahault

41 Phenomenological Constitution of the Meaning of Leisure Culture Wang, Wen-Sheng

61 Bertrand Russell on Idleness Philippe Roussin

75 Leisure and Musical Genres: Some Remarks on the Sociology of Cultural Legitimacy Esteban Buch

91 Freedom and Leisure in the Networks of Technological Objects and Many Others Vincent Shen

105 “Free time” (gongfu) in Chinese Leisure Yolaine Escande

119 Allegory of Banality and Leisure: Aesthetics of Literati Prose Writing in Late Ming Johanna Liu

Special Topic Book Reviews

135 Orvar Löfgren, Billy Ehn: The Secret World of Doing Nothing Vincent Shen


141 The Courage of Blandness: Xi Kang and Critique in Chinese Literati Aesthetics Fabian Heubel

155 The Leisure Dimension of Temple Festival Activities in Taiwan and its Religious Meaning —A Case Study of Da-Jia Matsu Jinxiang Procession Vicky Wenqi YAO

Youth Forum

169 The Aesthetic Experience of Drunkenness, Madness, and Spontaneous Realization in the Art of Chinese Calligraphy—A Study of Zhang Xu’s Calligraphic Aesthetics Rong Bin


181 Yolaine Escande


186 From the Editor

Messages & Information: 8 Call for Papers 74 90 Guidelines for Footnotes

140 Special Issues in Programs 187 Preview of Next Issue

Categories: 前期目錄

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